Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Top Ten Measurable Objectives an Entrepreneur can achieved with a Coach

You know your professional advisors, investors and prospects are all looking for measurable progress in your growth and success. Here are 10 areas where an alliance with a small business coach can help you achieve those objectives.

1. Do more than you would do on your own.

With encouragement, support, focus and motivation; it is easier to get more done, and it doesn't have to cost more, take more time or ask the impossible.

2. Take yourself more seriously.

Being accountable encourages you to always work smart and make the best decisions. Your worth immediately increases. You approach your work with more confidence which adds credibility to everything you say or do. All this because you work with a coach, and get confidential support and expertise without the risks of ulterior motives or hidden agendas.

3. Create momentum and consistency.

When you set up systems that work for you, and for your business, it's easier to keep them going and track results reliably. Your coach will help you develop them and teach you how and why to keep them going to get the results you are looking for.

4. Take more effective and focused actions.

When you describe to another person what your options are and the reasoning behind your decisions, you have the opportunity to clarify each one and validate it before implementation. So consulting with a coach can be used as a safety net to prevent poor decisions being made, or as a brainstorming session about the strategic impact of a decision.

5. Become more balanced and fulfilled.

Being in business for yourself is hard enough. When you know you are out of balance and want to do something about it, being answerable to someone else about the changes you want to make and why can make it easier.

6. Find smart ways to save time.

There are great books and programs on time management. But if they worked for you, you wouldn't be having this problem. Your coach can make suggestions that fit your business model, your personality and your strengths to make this goal attainable.

7. Find smart ways to reduce costs/expenses.

It is a long road to learning what's going on and then how to change it, if you are not trained in accounting or business management. Your coach gets to look at your business through your eyes and customize solutions that will work well for you.

8. Increase sales or profitability.

Every business says they want to make more money, but are they really doing anything about it? Specific solutions you develop together will work much better than a generic formula from a book or course. You can't make excuses anymore.

9. Change the dynamics of employee and client relationships.

You are the only one who can make a change to get what you want from these relationships. Your coach can make suggestions; help you develop dialogs; and propose scenarios for you to work through using a variety of tools, techniques and training.

10. Eliminate the stress which you currently feel is inherent to project success or to the whole operation.

Stress can be physical or emotional. Both can be measured. You can consider and try many options to deliver the best results for your situation. The outcome will be more tangible and measurable results which you can use to make better or different choices for your health and your business model.